Lightweight Crash Replacement

Secure your wheel against accidental damage


Where there's cycling, there's breaking of eggs. Something can always go wrong and cause damage. If your Lightweight product is damaged after an accident, no matter if it was caused by yourself or someone else, you will get a new one from us - at special conditions.

In case of irreparable damage, we will grant you a discount on the respective recommended retail price if you decide to buy a new Lightweight product.

In case of a claim, your irreparable Lightweight product will automatically become our property. To do so, simply send us the broken wheel without tires and cassette with invoice or proof of purchase with sufficient postage, and we will take care of an environmentally friendly and professional disposal.

Prerequisite for the entry into force of the Crash Replacement is a registration on our website.

In the event of irreparable damage, we will grant you a discount on the respective recommended retail price if you decide to purchase a new Lightweight product.

Customer Service
T +49 7541 3889 14
F +49 7541 3889 55